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Showing posts from May, 2020

Puerperal Psychosis

Postpartum Psychosis A HISTORICAL OUTLINE  The observation that a relationship may exist between childbirth and the onset of mental disorder is not a recent one; it was already mentioned in the classical writings of the ancient Greeks. In fact, more "recent" scientific literature of the past 200 years contains a large number of publications on the subject, the descriptions, and reflections of which often turn out to be remarkably relevant to our times. INTRODUCTION Giving birth to a baby brings about many changes in the female body, and these can include changes in a new mom’s mood and emotions. Some women experience more than the normal ups and downs of the postpartum time period.  puerperal psychosis is a much more severe illness. The mother may seem to lose contact with reality, have a delusion, hallucinations extreme mood swings, and behave abnormally. She can suffer from intense agitation and anxiety; insomnia and very early waking are also the sign of this catastrophic ...

Corrective Application Techniques With K- Tape

K-Tape ( Part -2 ) INTRODUCTION There are 6 current corrective application techniques: mechanical, fascia, space, ligament/tendon, function, and space. 1. MECHANICAL CORRECTION   The Mechanical Correction can be used to either position the tissue in the desired position, provide stimulus in which the body will adjust the position to minimize the created tension or provide a "blocking" action of joint or tissue movement.  there are 3 methods of application: A. Application of Y technique (Tension on tail )  This technique uses the "recoil" effect of the elastic qualities of the tape to position the tissue in the direction of the base of the Kinesio strip. By using tension in the tails, the practitioner is applying a subtle stimulus.  B.  Application of Y technique (With tension on base ) This technique uses the base of the Y cut to apply tension to the skin. The amount of stretch applied to the Kinesio strip and the degree of inward pressure determine the depth an...

The Effects Of Additional Kinesio Taping Over Exercise

K- TAPING The Effects Of Additional Kinesio Taping Over Exercise INTRODUCTION Taping is now recognized as a skill that is essential for all those involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of injuries. It is widely used not only for sports injuries but also for many other conditions such as muscle imbalance, unstable joints, and impaired neural control. During treatment and rehabilitation, taping aids the healing process by supporting and protecting the injured structures from further injury or stress, thus reducing the need for prolonged treatment and time off work. NOTE : The water-resistant and breathing properties of the K-Tape allow long wearability and a high level of comfort.  ROLE OF TAPING Initially, the tape is applied to protect the injured structure during the treatment and rehabilitation program: • to hold dressings and pads in place • to compress recent injury, thus reducing bleeding and swelling • to protect from further injury by supporting ligaments, tendon...

What Common Occurrence Cause The Most Headache

Heading off headache  INTRODUCTION Headache, an almost universal human experience, is one of the most common complaints encountered in medicine and neurology. The evaluation of this condition may be straight forward or challenging, and, though often benign, the headache may prove to be an ominous symptom. With a lifetime prevalence of 93 % in men and 99 % in women, headaches are undeniably an extremely common problem. They are often correlated with stress, tension, and a litany of existing medical conditions. Often, patients will live with headache pain for months or even years before seeking care. Over the counter remedies like aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are often used to reduce symptoms of pressure and pain prior to seeking medical advice. Here I'll be discussing two difficult and controversial headache syndromes, tension-type headache and cervicogenic headache.  Hypothesis for tension-type & cervicogenic headache  Tension-type headache: Tension-type head...

Role Of Calcium In Human Body

Calcium and its role in the human body   CALCIUM AND ITS ROLE IN HUMAN BODY  ABSTRACT  Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body which helps in muscle contraction, oocyte activation, building strong bones and teeth, blood clotting, nerve impulse, transmission, regulating heartbeat, and fluid balance within cells. Bones and teeth contain approximately 99% of calcium.  calcium is found in both plant and animal products. The requirements are greatest during the period of growth such as childhood, during pregnancy when breastfeeding. Long term calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in which the bone deteriorates and there is an increased risk of fractures. Eating a well-balanced diet can provide all the necessary nutrients and help prevent calcium deficiency. INTRODUCTION  The group IIA of the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals: beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra).  All the ...

Alien Hand Syndrome

   Alien Hand Syndrome   ALIEN HAND SYNDROME by Physio Fusion SYNONYMS Alien limb phenomenon; Anarchic hand; Diagnostic dyspraxia; Groping-grasping reaction; Intermanual conflict; Magnetic apraxia; Strangelovian hand; Unilateral apraxia; Wayward hand INTRODUCTION Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a higher-order motor control disorder in which a person loses control of his or her hand featuring involuntary movement but yet a purposeful movement. It is also known as Dr. Strangelove syndrome is an interesting situation in which a person loses control of his or her hand, and the person starts to act independently. It can affect both the side of the limb but in most cases, it usually affects the left side of the hand because the left hand is nondominant limb in about 10% of the world population. By definition, the limb movements are not the result of movement disorders. The syndrome has been reported after surgery on the corpus callosum. The...